Sacred quietening with the Schola Gregoriana Pragensis ensemble

The ensemble Schola Gregoriana Pragensis, a regular guest of the IMF Český Krumlov, made an appearance at the monastery church on Sunday morning. “It was a pleasant surprise that the IMF invited us to Český Krumlov again after only a year. Singing at the Church of Corpus Christi and the Grieving Virgin Mary is always a great joy thanks to its beautiful acoustics. We had the opportunity to present a varied repertoire there, which was closely connected to the personality of Charles IV and which suits this venue also in terms of the time period,” said the leader of the ensemble David Eben. It was a pleasant surprise for the program advisor of the festival, Lubomír Herza, that the concert at the church was sold out. It confirms that the people welcome certain sacred quietening, which the concert of the Schola Gregoriana Pragensis brought, also nowadays.